Monday 13 August 2012

Hi again!
Today at enrich we did debating, story writing or P4C.
I chose to do debating. The subject was: should kids under 18 be allowed a facebook.
I was in the opposing team saying "I think kids under 18 shouldn't be allowed to have a facebook".
We were split up into two teams. "Girls against boys!" so we had in the girls team: Mia, Pearl, Kaitlyn, Kate and me. Kaitlyn was the team leader so that means she has to introduce our team and say something like "Hi, I'm Kaitlyn from the opposing team and we think kids under 18 shouldn't be allowed a facebook".
I put in for my reason "I think they shouldn't be allowed on facebook because some random person could ask a little kid who doesn't know what they're doing"What's your address" or "Where do you live?".So they shouldn't be allowed on facebook.
Anyway, our team won! It was my second time in a row I won!
Anna :)

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