Sunday 13 April 2014

Hello Everyone!
YEAH!!!! It's almost Easter! I can't wait 
to get some chocolate - I'll probably eat it all in 
one day! But there is something else that is very sad. It's the last 
day of Enrich for the term! Yeah - but at the same time aww! 
Anyway back to happiness. Today at Enrich has been amazing. 
We have done some discovery which has just been seeing 
if we needed all of the 22 big ideas- but it turns out we don't need 
22. We just had to narrow it down so every time Katie wouldn't 
have to go over 22 BIG ideas. I hope everyone has a 
good and  happy Easter and eat TONS of chocolate!
See you next term in a couple of weeks!
From Anna =) BYE!!! Like the egg 
shape of the writing?